During my recent trip to Costa Rica I was again reminded of how much I enjoyed plantains. It is not a common marketplace purchase here however, not as difficult to find as it once was. So what do you do with this large ugly banana thing? The possibilities are almost endless. Bake, grill, pan-fry, deep-fry.... It can be eaten green or if you wait until it looks like something died and left its corpse behind it's pleasantly sweet. More texture than its relative the common banana it can flavour your stew or stand alone as dessert.
Visiting a restaurant on the outskirts of San Jose, their method of choice, as with all their food, was on the grill. When this cheese covered, sweet delight arrived at our table, it shone despite the dated plastic plate it was served on. Such a versatile ingredient it will be on my shopping list next time I'm out and about. I will most likely stay away from deep-frying and grilling(still a little cold outside) but nothing says comfort food like a casserole dish lined with plantains and smothered with cream cheese. I mean really, can you go wrong with cream cheese?
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