It started with a decedant dinner of steak & lobster served along side cesar salad with fresh homemade dressing. A joint effort we started by naming our lobsters: Jose, Ferdinand and my specialty, Dinner! You would think that by naming your food you might be less inclined to eat it, you would think wrong around us gals. We gave our lobsters a salt water "hot tub" and started on the steaks. Start with some seasonings, add a little olive oil, sear in the flavour and transfer to the broiler to finish and top with some crumbled Borsin. My friend shared her "secret" recipe for cesar salad dressing and before you know it we were sipping our Francis Coppola Claret and digging in to our feast! If there were room for dessert we would have had more lobster but instead we moved on to un-buttoning our top buttons and having some more wine.
We started the day off right with coffee and Bailey's. Who says you have to wait until later in the day to start drinking? Taking our lead from a country song, the motto for the day was "it's 5 o'clock somewhere". Breakfast was searved and eggs benny with homemade hollandaise sauce was served, back bacon and all! I don't there is anything else you can say except, YUMMY!
Next steps after feeling only slightly guilty at the indulgence of the last couple of meals, was a brisk walk to the the local grocery and liquor stores. We did after all have to prepare for this evenings dinner and, we had a hankering for beer. Absorbing the sunshine and vitamin D we smiled all the way back home. Lunch was quick and simple with Mac N Cheese and fake Mac N Cheese (for those of us allergic to yellow #5). Beer in hand we prepared the mascarpone whipped cream for the cake and the layers were formed. Tea time followed behind beer time very closely and before we knew it we had a replica of Canadian Livings temptation in our bellies. I would say that we were ready for our next meal but, who am I kidding we needed to digest and it was definitely nap time.
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